The Blessed Doge Francesco Morosini in 1693 leaves Venice to fight the Turks at the Peloponnese (1865)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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On our website, we proudly feature "The Blessed Doge Francesco Morosini in 1693 leaves Venice to fight the Turks at the Peloponnese", a magnificent oil painting by the Italian artist Luigi Querena, painted in 1865. This intricately detailed work captures a poignant moment in Venetian history, celebrated through Querena's expert use of vibrant colors and meticulous attention to detail.The painting vividly portrays the bustling activity at one of Venice's grand canals, as Doge Francesco Morosini prepares to depart for battle. The composition is centered around a celebratory procession, with Morosini aboard a lavishly adorned golden barge, symbolizing his high status and the city's support. The scene is packed with a vibrant crowd of onlookers, both on the adorned boats and along the banks, illustrating the event's significance to Venice's citizens.Notable Venetian architecture forms a majestic backdrop. Landmarks such as Doge's Palace and St. Mark’s Basilica are rendered with architectural accuracy, showcasing Querena's skill in architectural painting and his appreciation for Venice’s Gothic and Renaissance designs. The bustling scene, accented by the serene, cloud-studded sky, invites the viewer to witness a historic farewell imbued with both celebration and somberness.Luigi Querena's work not only captures a significant historical event but also celebrates the rich cultural heritage of Venice in the 17th century.


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Luigi Querena was an Italian painter.

He was born in Venice. Following in the footsteps of his father Lattanzio, a painter of historical and religious works, Luigi enrolled at the Venice Academy of Fine Arts at the age of 12 years. He studied under Federico Moja and distinguished himself as a vedute painter. The contemporary art critic Sagredo said that Luigi was reviving Canaletto.