Santa Marta im Abendrot (1859)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to an evocative journey through Luigi Querena's masterpiece, "Santa Marta im Abendrot," painted in 1859. This exquisite work of art captures a tranquil evening scene that seems almost suspended in time, rendering a picturesque view of historical significance and remarkable beauty.The painting depicts the serene vista of the Santa Marta area in Venice at twilight. The viewer’s eye is drawn to the warm glow of the sunset that bathes the scene in captivating amber and soft rose hues, suggesting the peaceful closure of the day. The backdrop is dominated by the Venetian church of Santa Marta, showcased in all its architectural glory, its Gothic elements proudly displayed against the fading light of the day.Foregrounding the composition, traditional Venetian boats, known as bragozzi, are seen moored along the gentle curve of the shore. The attention to detail in the rendering of these boats showcases Querena's skill in depicting reflections on the water, which shimmer with the remnants of sunlight. In the distance, smaller figures can be observed, perhaps fishermen wrapping up their daily activities or locals enjoying the evening's cool air.This painting not only captures the visual beauty of Venice but also evokes the calm and contemplative atmosphere that evening brings in this historic city. "Santa Marta im Abendrot" invites viewers to pause and reflect, providing a window to a past era filled with quiet moments and the soft whispers of day’s end.


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Luigi Querena was an Italian painter.

He was born in Venice. Following in the footsteps of his father Lattanzio, a painter of historical and religious works, Luigi enrolled at the Venice Academy of Fine Arts at the age of 12 years. He studied under Federico Moja and distinguished himself as a vedute painter. The contemporary art critic Sagredo said that Luigi was reviving Canaletto.