A noctural view of Campo dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo, Venice

Technique: Giclée quality print
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A Nocturnal View of Campo dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo, Venice, by Luigi Querena, captures an evocative night scene of one of Venice's grandest squares. The painting artfully portrays the shimmering façade of the Scuola Grande di San Marco, which stands facing the impressive Basilica di Santi Giovanni e Paolo, the final resting place of many Venetian doges. This artwork masterfully illustrates the blend of solitude and serene architecture under the cloak of night.Under the moonlit sky, the scene becomes almost mystical, as few figures quietly traverse the square, their shadows casting long, faint outlines upon the cold stone surfaces—a reminder of the quiet moments that fill the bustling city after sundown. A gondola gently drifts by, its subtle motion contrasted against the stillness of the monumental buildings. At the center is the iconic statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni, a proud and defiant reminder of Venice's rich history of military prowess.Luigi Querena's depiction is not only a testimony to his skill and meticulous attention to detail but also an invitation to the viewer to ponder the quieter, more introspective moments that can be found within the ceaseless passage of time in the historical city of Venice.


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Luigi Querena was an Italian painter.

He was born in Venice. Following in the footsteps of his father Lattanzio, a painter of historical and religious works, Luigi enrolled at the Venice Academy of Fine Arts at the age of 12 years. He studied under Federico Moja and distinguished himself as a vedute painter. The contemporary art critic Sagredo said that Luigi was reviving Canaletto.