Venice, the Riva degli Schiavoni

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Luigi Querena's captivating painting "Venice, the Riva degli Schiavoni" is a luminous celebration of Venice's unique charm and bustling waterfront atmosphere. The painting showcases a panoramic view looking out over the Riva degli Schiavoni, one of Venice's most vibrant and historically significant promenades.In this panoramic scene, the artist skillfully captures the bustling activity typical of this Venetian thoroughfare, set against a beautiful early evening sky. The composition is alight with the soft blue and coral hues of the sky reflecting off the waters, lending a serene and almost ethereal quality to the scene.The foreground of the painting features figures in varied attires - from gentlemen and ladies of leisure to the working-class people of the city - going about their daily routines or pausing to savor the view. An attention to detail is evident in the realistic portrayal of their clothing and gestures, bringing the scene to life with a sense of immediacy and realism.Your gaze is led along the lively waterfront, dotted with an array of boats including gondolas and sailing vessels, towards the majestic silhouettes of San Giorgio Maggiore and the campanile of St. Mark’s Basilica in the distance. These iconic structures are rendered with precise architectural accuracy, standing as proud symbols of the city's rich heritage."Venice, the Riva degli Schiavoni" by Luigi Querena is not just a portrayal of a location; it's an immersion into the daily life and heart of Venice, capturing a fleeting moment with everlasting beauty.


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Luigi Querena was an Italian painter.

He was born in Venice. Following in the footsteps of his father Lattanzio, a painter of historical and religious works, Luigi enrolled at the Venice Academy of Fine Arts at the age of 12 years. He studied under Federico Moja and distinguished himself as a vedute painter. The contemporary art critic Sagredo said that Luigi was reviving Canaletto.