Farmhouse with thatched roof (1919)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting depicts a serene rural scene focused on an idyllic farmhouse with a large, sprawling thatched roof that dips close to the ground, giving a cozy, sheltered appearance. The farmhouse, characterized by its robust and somewhat bulky structure, features a prominent green door flanked by two small windows. Its walls are engulfed in a dense, leafy ivy, enhancing its connection with the surrounding nature. In front of the house, there's an expansive lush green lawn where two goats are grazing peacefully. Standing tall behind the farmhouse and partially obscured by its form, a line of slender, leafy trees stretches across the background, their foliage contributing to the overall greenery and pastoral feel of the scene.


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Compilation of human portraits, sketches and graphic arts from the 19th century by Julie de Graag (1877–1924), a female Dutch graphic artist and painter. She mainly produced graphic works in an Art Nouveau style which have been described as being both “sober yet refined”. 

Giclée quality print

60x60 cm
