Vintage Christmas

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Vintage Christmas" by Edward Penfield presents a serene and contemplative scene fit for the holiday season. The artwork shows a man seated in a cozy, high-backed chair, engrossed in a book. His relaxed demeanor and focused expression suggest he is deeply engaged in his reading. The gentleman is stylishly attired in a yellow overcoat and brown trousers, with a visible red tie that adds a pop of color to the earthy tones of the scene.The room is decorated subtly but festively, capturing the essence of a traditional Christmas setting. Above him, a decorative garland hangs from the shelf, adorned with circular green wreaths that provide a harmonious contrast to the muted background colors. To his left, there's a circular wreath hung on the wall with the inscription "Peace on Earth, Good Will toward Men," echoing the sentiments of goodwill and peace commonly associated with the Christmas season.In addition to these decorations, there are some precursor elements to the modern radiator visible below the shelf, hinting at the indoor setting being warm and comfortable despite the probably cold weather typical of Christmas time outside.Overall, Penfield’s illustration encapsulates a quiet, reflective moment during the festive period, highlighting the personal joy and peace that can be found in simplicity and tradition.


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Edward Penfield (1866-1925) was an influential American poster artist, considered as the father of the American poster movement. He was employed as an art editor for Harper’s Weekly, Monthly, and Harper’s Bazaar, where he made posters advertising each issue of the magazine for over seven years. His art was avant-garde with less concern for the dramatic curving lines of Art Nouveau, inspired by Japanese ukiyo-e block prints, figure drawings by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, color lithographies by Jules Chéret, and other contemporary artists. He created simplified scenes of daily life in saturated colors, including horses, cats, sports, and women’s fashion.