Evening in Kornhamnstorg, Stockholm (1897)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Dive into the enigmatic aura of Stockholm at twilight with Eugène Jansson's masterful composition, "Evening in Kornhamnstorg, Stockholm." This painting, created in 1897, captures a serene yet vibrant scene at the heart of Stockholm’s old town.The artwork is predominated by a deep navy blue palette, setting a mood that is both mystical and calming. Jansson masterfully stimulates a juxtaposition between the velvety night sky and the emanating warmth from the golden lights reflected in the windows of the buildings across the water. Most striking in the painting is the depiction of the water, richly textured and almost tangible, suggesting the gentle movements of an evening tide.Foregrounded in the scene is a dark, moored boat, adding a somber contrast to the subtly illuminated background. The boat is not just a visual anchor but also a symbol of stillness and reflection amidst the city’s nocturnal life.Above the skyline, the spires of what could be churches or old towers pierce the night sky, suggesting the enduring presence of history in modern Stockholm. The trees, delicately outlined against the night, stand as silent observers of the unfolding evening."Eugène in Kornhamnstorg, Stockholm" transcends mere representation to evoke deep feelings of solitude and contemplation. It invites viewers to experience a moment of peace in the bustling life of a city at dusk, making it a true testament to Jansson's ability to capture both the beauty of Stockholm’s landscape and the emotional depths of its environments.


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Eugène Fredrik Jansson (18 March 1862, Stockholm – 15 June 1915, Skara) was a Swedish painter known for his night-time land- and cityscapes dominated by shades of blue. Towards the end of his life, from about 1904, he mainly painted male nudes. The earlier of these phases has caused him to sometimes be referred to as blåmålaren, "the blue-painter".