Winter Night on the Quay (1901)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Winter Night on the Quay," painted in 1901 by Swedish artist Eugène Jansson, is a mesmerizing depiction of a wintry nocturnal scene. Jansson, known for his distinctive use of blue hues, portrays an unusually calm and silent night along a quay under heavy snowfall.The painting captures the essence of the frigid climate with a landscape blanketed in snow, highlighted under an overcast sky. The foreground features a prominently shadowed tree, its bare branches sprawling intricately across the canvas, casting a lacy network of shadows on the snow below. The quay itself, partially obscured by the thick blanket of snow, peeks through with its railway tracks and rows of street lamps glowing softly, creating a serene river of light in the expansive darkness.A building, perhaps a warehouse or a depot on the waterfront, sits quietly on the left, its windows dimly illuminated suggesting brief hints of life within an otherwise seemingly deserted scene. The extensive use of blue tones not only enhances the feeling of night but also imparts a surreal, almost dream-like quality to the image, inviting viewers to imagine the stillness and the faint whispers of wind over the snowy landscape.


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Eugène Fredrik Jansson (18 March 1862, Stockholm – 15 June 1915, Skara) was a Swedish painter known for his night-time land- and cityscapes dominated by shades of blue. Towards the end of his life, from about 1904, he mainly painted male nudes. The earlier of these phases has caused him to sometimes be referred to as blåmålaren, "the blue-painter".