Blue Jays In Winter, Study For Book Concealing Coloration In The Animal Kingdom

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This painting, *Blue Jays In Winter, Study For Book Concealing Coloration In The Animal Kingdom* by Abbott Handerson Thayer, captures a serene yet vibrant winter scene centered around two blue jays. The setting is a snowy landscape, possibly in a forest clearing, evidenced by the blanket of snow and the stark, leafless trees protruding into the brisk air. The background features a line of dense, muted trees under a crisp, blue sky, creating a quiet, almost melancholic atmosphere.Thayer's focus on the blue jays is fascinating, as they are depicted mid-motion, with dynamic postures that suggest activity and life amidst the stillness surrounding them. One jay is closer to the foreground, wings spread as if it's just taken off or is about to land, capturing a moment of elegant movement. The other jay, slightly further in the background, mirrors this action, possibly in flight or preparing to join its companion.The usage of light and shadow in the painting is remarkable. Thayer uses stark white hues to represent snow, which beautifully contrasts with the deep blues and subtle earth tones of the blue jays and the woodland backdrop.


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Abbott Handerson Thayer (1849-1921) was an American artist, naturalist and teacher. He grew up in a wealthy Boston family and was a leader of the NY art world, selling portraits and allegorical figures to European Renaissance collectors. His art changed drastically when his wife died, when he moved to a colony of artists settled in Dublin, New Hampshire. He painted landscapes, delicate flowers, and idealistic paintings of women as angels and madonnas.