
Technique: Giclée quality print
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This painting by Abbott Handerson Thayer portrays an ethereal figure, titled "Angel." The artwork features a young woman with an introspective and somewhat poignant expression. Her large, feathered wings, which embody a classical interpretation of angelic figures, dominate the composition. These wings are richly detailed, adding a textural contrast to the smoothness of her skin and the draped fabric of her garment.The woman in the painting is dressed in a flowing white dress, which suggests purity and innocence. The light and gentle folds of the dress enhance the delicacy of the figure, contributing to the overall serenity and quiet grace of the image.Thayer's use of a soft, muted palette effectively highlights the subject against a simplistic, almost monochromatic background, allowing the viewer to focus entirely on the angelic figure. The subtle use of light accentuates her facial features, adding depth to her contemplative gaze, which seems to look both inward and beyond."Angel" is not just a depiction of religious iconography but is also often interpreted as an expression of ideal beauty and spiritual peace. Thayer, who often used his own children as models, could be conveying through this work, deeper themes of innocence and the protective nature of the angelic, reflecting perhaps personal sentiments about guardianship and purity.


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Abbott Handerson Thayer (1849-1921) was an American artist, naturalist and teacher. He grew up in a wealthy Boston family and was a leader of the NY art world, selling portraits and allegorical figures to European Renaissance collectors. His art changed drastically when his wife died, when he moved to a colony of artists settled in Dublin, New Hampshire. He painted landscapes, delicate flowers, and idealistic paintings of women as angels and madonnas.