Mount Monadnock

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This painting, titled "Mount Monadnock," by Abbott Handerson Thayer, captures a serene, almost ethereal landscape scene focused around the iconic mountain. The composition places emphasis on the vivid contrast between the dark, densely wooded foreground and the brightly illuminated peak of Monadnock, which appears bathed in a golden light against a aqua blue sky. This juxtaposition not only pulls the viewer's focus towards the mountain but also highlights its majesty and the quiet beauty of its natural setting.The lower part of the painting is dominated by dark green and brown tones representing a thick forest. This area is painted with relatively broad brushstrokes that suggest a rich, untamed wilderness. The foreground remains enigmatic with lighter patches perhaps indicating snow, water, or clearings – it's not quite detailed, lending a mysterious aura that enhances the overall tranquil and untouched feel of the scene.Thayer's use of colors and light effectively conveys different times of day and seasons, suggesting the fleeting nature of sunlight that momentarily captures the peak in a warm embrace. His brushwork, blending the pigments gently yet with assurance, adds a dreamlike quality, making the mountain seem distant yet prominently overseeing the landscape. Thayer's work is often noted for its spiritual and emotional depth, which is palpably felt in this painting through its calm, contemplative atmosphere.


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Abbott Handerson Thayer (1849-1921) was an American artist, naturalist and teacher. He grew up in a wealthy Boston family and was a leader of the NY art world, selling portraits and allegorical figures to European Renaissance collectors. His art changed drastically when his wife died, when he moved to a colony of artists settled in Dublin, New Hampshire. He painted landscapes, delicate flowers, and idealistic paintings of women as angels and madonnas.