Susanne Cecilie Købke, Born Købke, The Artist'S Wife

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This painting by Christen Købke, which is titled "Susanne Cecilie Købke, Born Købke, The Artist's Wife," portrays a gentle and intimate portrait of his wife, Susanne Cecilie. She is depicted seated, facing forward with a direct gaze that engages the viewer. Her expression is serene and contemplative, suggesting a calm and reserved demeanor.The artist has meticulously captured the details of her attire and appearance, which reflect the fashion of the time. She wears a rose-colored dress with voluminous, puffed sleeves and a tight bodice that draws attention to the texture and folds of the fabric. The dress features a high neckline with a delicate white collar that peeks out, and is adorned with a vibrant green bow at the throat, adding a splash of color that contrasts beautifully with the pink tones of her dress.Her hair is styled in a reserved manner, parted in the middle and coiled into braids on either side of her head, framing her face softly. The background is subdued and dark, ensuring that the focus remains on her facial features and the rich colors of her attire.Overall, Købke's portrait of his wife is not only a personal depiction of a beloved individual but also reflects the style and sensibilities of early 19th-century portrait painting, characterized by an emphasis on realistic detail and a quiet, refined elegance.


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Portraits, landscapes and the beauty of Scandinavian nature by Christen Købke (1810-1848). “The Danish master of light” was one of the best-known artists of the Danish Golden Age. Born in Copenhagen, Købke trained at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, where he studied under the portrait painter C.A Lorentzen. It was here that he was introduced to plein-air painting, which became the hallmark of his later work.