A Sitting Dog After An Antique At Charlottenborg

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The artwork titled "A Sitting Dog After An Antique At Charlottenborg" by Christen Købke portrays a finely detailed etching of a dog, presented in a seated pose that echoes classical and dignified sculptures. The dog is positioned with its chest forward and head turned slightly to the side, capturing a loyal and watchful demeanor often associated with noble animals in historical sculptures. The features and musculature of the dog are meticulously rendered, suggesting power and grace.The dog is adorned with a decorative collar that has intricate detailing, enhancing its regal appearance and suggesting that it may represent a dog of high status or one associated with guardianship. The texture and shading in this etching are skillfully handled, offering a sense of depth and realism to the depiction. The backdrop is minimally detailed, focusing attention firmly on the dog itself, emphasizing its form and the artist's attention to detail.Overall, the work reflects Christen Købke’s skill in capturing both the physical qualities and the noble spirit of the subject, likely inspired by classical traditions and the representation of animals in art as symbols of virtue and loyalty.


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Portraits, landscapes and the beauty of Scandinavian nature by Christen Købke (1810-1848). “The Danish master of light” was one of the best-known artists of the Danish Golden Age. Born in Copenhagen, Købke trained at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, where he studied under the portrait painter C.A Lorentzen. It was here that he was introduced to plein-air painting, which became the hallmark of his later work.