Hunting trophies

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Hunting Trophies" by Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton is a captivating exploration of nature’s wild beauty and the human endeavor of hunting, presented in a classical still life arrangement. This painting skillfully captures a diverse array of wildlife and hunting elements that are tied together in an evocative display of both victory and melancholy.At the center, a large deer hangs upside down, its expression peaceful yet poignant in the stillness of death. Surrounding it are other spoils of the hunt—a majestic wild cat clutching a small bird in its jaws, a hare, and a feathered pheasant, all exquisitely detailed and rendered with lifelike accuracy. A beautifully portrayed hunting dog appears involved in the scene, gazing upwards, possibly at the cat, adding a dynamic and somewhat tense feeling to the composition. Also included in the assembly are smaller birds and even a frog, which together contribute to a rich representation of terrestrial life.The background serves as a subtle reminder of the natural habitat from which these creatures came, with towering trees and a distant landscape under a clouded sky, suggesting the temporality of life and the inevitability of death.Hamilton's work is not just a display of hunting trophies but a deeper reflection on the relationship between humans and nature. The still life immortalizes the beauty and vitality of the animals even in death, serving as a reminder of the inevitable cycle of life.


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Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton, was an 18th-century painter from the Southern Netherlands active in Austria.

He was born in Brussels as the son of the Scottish painter James de Hamilton, who taught him to paint. From 1705 to 1750 he was court painter in Vienna, and he is known for hunting scenes like his brother Johann Georg. He died in Vienna.