Dessins et peintures d’Afrique pl 21 (1927)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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** In the exquisite rendering "Dessins et peintures d’Afrique pl 21," created in 1927, acclaimed artist Alexandre Jacovleff captures the delicate grace and intrinsic beauty of an African antelope. This artwork is a prime example of Jacovleff’s skill in using monochromatic tones to highlight the subtle textures and contours of his subjects.The painting focuses intently on the antelope's head, with its slender, elongated face and remarkable, lyre-shaped horns that are a testament to its elegance and strength. The smooth curves of the horns contrast beautifully with the meticulous attention to detail in the texture of the fur and the soft, expressive eye, which conveys a serene, almost tender gaze.Rendered using a rich, warm sepia tone, the painting not only emphasizes the antelope’s graceful features but also evokes a sense of the animal’s natural environment. The choice of color and the soft shading techniques enhance the three-dimensional effect, making the image nearly leap off the page."Dessins et peintures d’Afrique pl 21" is not just a portrait but a story captured in a single moment—a reflection of Jacovleff's profound respect and passion for the natural world, encapsulating the undeniable beauty of African wildlife with a poignant and respectful representation.


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Alexandre Yevgenievich Jacovleff (25 June 1887 – 12 May 1938) was a neoclassicist painter, draughtsman, designer and etcher.