Stillleben Mit Büste Des Kronprinzen Rudolf (1890)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Stillleben Mit Büste Des Kronprinzen Rudolf" (1890) by Hugo Charlemont presents a dense and splendidly arranged still life that intricately interweaves symbols of legacy, nature, and personal effects. The setting of the painting is a room rich in details, evoking a sense of both opulence and intimacy.Central to the composition is the bust of Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria, solemnly positioned atop a draped table. This poignant representation, coupled with personal memorabilia like books, letters, and what appears to be a military jacket, subtly honors the life and status of the prince. The presence of these items not only serves as a nod to the prince’s intellectual pursuits and responsibilities but also lends an air of personal loss and remembrance.Surrounding the bust are lavish floral arrangements, bursting with color and life, contrasting with the inanimate objects, suggesting a celebration of life and the fleeting beauty of nature. Adding to the room's grandeur, elaborate ironwork frames the window that overlooks a distant cityscape, perhaps Vienna, connecting the interior space with the outside world and hinting at the prince's public role.Intriguingly, elements of the hunt, seen in the stag's head and antlers, juxtapose the cultivated beauty of the flowers and the cultivated intellect represented by the books, creating a dialogue between the wild and the refined.This painting, with its meticulous attention to detail and rich symbolism, offers a meditation on legacy, memory, and the juxtaposition of life's vibrant and somber aspects.


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Hugo Charlemont (18 March 1850 – 18 April 1939) was an Austrian painter. Born in Jemnice, Moriva he was the son of Matthais Adolf Charlemont. He studied art at the Academy of Fine Arts. He died in Vienna.