De huizen ‘t Lammetje of Het Schotse Huis en De gulden Struijs aan de kade te Veere (1883)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to a picturesque journey into the past with Johannes Frederik Engelbert ten Klooster's iconic depiction titled "De huizen ‘t Lammetje of Het Schotse Huis en De gulden Struijs aan de kade te Veere" from the year 1883. This enchanting artwork transports us to the serene town of Veere, capturing the essence of Dutch life in the late 19th century.In this ink drawing, the artist skillfully portrays a scenic view along the quayside. The foreground features the historic houses known as ‘t Lammetje and Het Schotse Huis, with the distinctive architecture making a compelling focal point. The intricate detailing on the façades of these buildings reflects the unique Dutch architectural style of the period.As your eyes wander towards the canal, you are greeted by the graceful lines of moored boats, their masts and sails juxtaposed against the lively backdrop of leafless trees, suggesting the depiction takes place in the colder months. This choice enhances the feeling of tranquility that pervades the scene.The inclusion of townsfolk in the drawing adds a human element, providing a glimpse into daily activities by the water’s edge. The figures, though simply rendered, are positioned thoughtfully, guiding the viewer's gaze through the composition and reinforcing the peaceful, rhythmic life in Veere.This artwork not only highlights ten Klooster's precision and skill in ink drawing but also serves as a window into the historical and cultural landscape of the Netherlands.


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Johan Frederik Engelbert ten Klooster was a Dutch graphic designer and painter of Javanese-Dutch origin.

He lived and worked in Java and Sumatra, in New Guinea, in The Hague (approx 1914-1915) and in Veere from May 1915. He was an officer with the KNIL, but after 1915 a full time artist.