De overwinnaar (1919)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Johannes Frederik Engelbert ten Klooster, an artist acclaimed for his expertise in the art of woodcut print, presents an arresting visual narrative in his creation titled "De overwinnaar" (1919). The artwork, rendered in stark black and white, captures a moment of intense dynamic movement and poignant human emotion, making a compelling depiction of victory amidst adversity.The scene is set on a tumultuous ocean, where whitecaps and swirling waves dominate the lower portion of the print, evoking a sense of chaos and the formidable power of nature. Central to the composition are three figures aboard a slender boat, precariously positioned amidst the heaving sea. The hero of this narrative, a figure poised in a triumphant stance, is dramatically lifted above the others, one arm thrust victoriously into the air, echoing the sweep and ferocity of the surrounding waves. Behind this central figure, other individuals appear engaged in active motion, contributing to the overall sense of struggle and exertion against natural forces."De overwinnaar" not only showcases ten Klooster's mastery over the woodcut technique—with its clear, fluid lines and contrasting tones creating both depth and movement—but also communicates a timeless message about human spirit and resilience. As observers, we are drawn into the tempest, feeling the spray of the sea and the resolve of those who dare to conquer it.This fascinating work invites viewers to delve into the themes of courage, triumph, and the eternal battle against the overwhelming odds presented by nature.


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Johan Frederik Engelbert ten Klooster was a Dutch graphic designer and painter of Javanese-Dutch origin.

He lived and worked in Java and Sumatra, in New Guinea, in The Hague (approx 1914-1915) and in Veere from May 1915. He was an officer with the KNIL, but after 1915 a full time artist.