A Farmer With Three Cows, Three Sheep, One Goat And Five Chickens In A Landscape (1885)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to a serene glimpse into a pastoral world with the painting "A Farmer with Three Cows, Three Sheep, One Goat, and Five Chickens in a Landscape," masterfully created by Eugène Joseph Verboeckhoven in 1885. This exquisite work captures the quintessential rural life of the 19th century, celebrating the harmony between man and nature.In this vivid depiction, Verboeckhoven brings to life a lush landscape bathed in soft, natural light. The tableau features a farmer, poised in the background atop a rustic wooden cart, his attention dedicated to a task at hand, possibly guarding or resting. The foreground, rich with activity, is dominated by three robust cows, each rendered with meticulous attention to their muscular form and unique coat patterns. Their calm demeanor and the gentle interaction depicted among them evoke a sense of peace and stability.Accompanying these cows are three serene sheep, lounging on the grass, adding to the tranquility of the scene. A lone goat with a striking black coat adds contrast and vibrancy, standing alert and watchful. The lively addition of five chickens in varied poses and colors introduces movement and dynamism, capturing the bustling energy of smaller farm animals.Positioned against a backdrop of a faintly cloudy sky and robust greenery, Verboeckhoven’s use of light and shadow, along with his realistic portrayal of these animals, demonstrates his mastery in animal sketches and rural landscapes.


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Eugène Joseph Verboeckhoven (9 June 1798 – 19 January 1881), a Belgian painter, was born at Warneton in West Flanders. He was a painter, a sculptor, an etcher, an engraver, and a lithographer of animals, animated landscapes, and portraits.

Giclée quality print

59x80 cm
