Rosenlundsgatan (1895)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Rosenlundsgatan" (1895) by Eugène Jansson is a distinctive piece that captures the evocative and mood-inducing essence of the nocturnal urban landscape at the end of the 19th century. Jansson, known for his nocturnes, often painted scenes bathed in a mysterious blue hue, and this work is a quintessential example of his unique style.In this painting, the viewer is drawn into a dusky, cobalt world where the night seems to dissolve the details into silhouettes and shadows. The scene depicts a street, presumably Rosenlundsgatan in Stockholm, illuminated by the soft glow of street lamps. The road bifurcates, leading the eye towards a vanishing point dominated by what appears to be a small house or chapel under the twilight sky.The use of perspective and light not only guides the viewer through the composition but also imparts a sense of solitude and quietude, typical of Jansson's nocturnal cityscapes. The cool color palette and the blending of architectural forms with the night sky evoke a moment of peace amidst the encroaching darkness of the evening."Rosenlundsgatan" is a poetic interpretation of night, using the interplay of light and shadow to transform an ordinary city street into a scene replete with mood and mystery.


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Eugène Fredrik Jansson (18 March 1862, Stockholm – 15 June 1915, Skara) was a Swedish painter known for his night-time land- and cityscapes dominated by shades of blue. Towards the end of his life, from about 1904, he mainly painted male nudes. The earlier of these phases has caused him to sometimes be referred to as blåmålaren, "the blue-painter".