Esel und Hühner im Stall (1863)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Esel und Hühner im Stall" (Donkey and Chickens in the Barn), painted in 1863 by the celebrated Belgian artist Eugène Joseph Verboeckhoven, is a charming portrayal of rural life that evokes a sense of serene, everyday life on the farm. Verboeckhoven’s skill in rendering animal figures and barnyard scenes is vividly displayed in this pastoral composition.The painting captures a quietly attentive donkey standing in a rustic barn, accompanied by a small group of chickens pecking around it. The donkey, positioned centrally in the image, is depicted with remarkable detail; its soft, grey fur and expressive eyes draw the viewer into a moment of calm observation. To its right, a bright rooster and two hens animate the scene, adding a lively contrast with their colorful plumage and dynamic stances.Verboeckhoven's use of light subtly highlights the textures of straw on the barn floor and the rough wooden surfaces around the animals, enhancing the naturalistic quality of the work. His meticulous brushwork and the realistic portrayal of the animals not only demonstrate his technical prowess but also his deep appreciation for the beauty of everyday moments in the countryside.This painting is a beautiful example of Verboeckhoven’s ability to convey peaceful coexistence among farm animals, inviting viewers to appreciate the simplicity and tranquility of rural settings.


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Eugène Joseph Verboeckhoven (9 June 1798 – 19 January 1881), a Belgian painter, was born at Warneton in West Flanders. He was a painter, a sculptor, an etcher, an engraver, and a lithographer of animals, animated landscapes, and portraits.