Vase With Yellow Flowers

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This painting, titled "Vase With Yellow Flowers," by Hannah Borger Overbeck, is a beautiful watercolor composition portraying a bouquet of vibrant yellow flowers arranged in a simple vase. The flowers, likely daisies or a similar variety, boast lively yellow blooms with paler, almost white highlights, indicating a source of light illuminating them from one side. Their leaves and stems appear in various shades of green, hinting at a natural and subtly diverse color palette.The vase, rendered in muted tones, contrasts with the stark yellow of the flowers, making the blooms stand out prominently against the earthy, neutral background. This background, with its washes of brown and patches of lighter areas, provides a calm and understated backdrop that focuses attention on the flowers themselves.The artist's use of watercolor allows for a gentle blending of colors, where the lightness and transparency of the medium convey a sense of freshness and delicacy. The painting captures a moment of simple beauty, showcasing the artist's skill in balancing vivid colors with a subdued environment, creating a harmonious and appealing visual experience.


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Hannah Borger Overbeck (1870-1931) was an American artist and illustrator during the Arts and Crafts Movement. Together with her four sisters, she founded Overbeck Pottery in Cambridge City, Indiana. She was known for her watercolors and sketches, and was responsible for the pottery’s decorative designs. Her main subject was nature with beautiful flowers and botanical drawings.