Österlånggatan (1904)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting "Österlånggatan" by Swedish artist Eugène Jansson, painted in 1904, is a captivating depiction of a city street at night, characterized by a deep, monochromatic blue palette that typifies Jansson's nocturnal cityscapes. This particular work portrays Österlånggatan, a street in the old historical district of Stockholm.In "Österlånggatan," Jansson's mastery in handling shades of blue creates a luminous effect that makes the cobbled street and the surrounding buildings almost glow under the night sky. The use of perspective draws the viewer’s eye towards the vanishing point at the center of the composition, where the narrow street meets the slightly brighter, open sky, suggesting either a late night or early dawn. The sense of solitude and tranquility is palpable, as there are no people visible in the scene, adding a layer of mystery and stillness to the urban landscape.Jansson, known for his unique approach to light and color, delivers a silent yet powerful narrative about the city he lived in. This painting is not just a visual exploration of light and architecture but also an emotional reflection on solitude and urban life.


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Eugène Fredrik Jansson (18 March 1862, Stockholm – 15 June 1915, Skara) was a Swedish painter known for his night-time land- and cityscapes dominated by shades of blue. Towards the end of his life, from about 1904, he mainly painted male nudes. The earlier of these phases has caused him to sometimes be referred to as blåmålaren, "the blue-painter".