Lueur precaire, une tete a l’infini suspendue (Precarious glimmering, a head suspended) (1891)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Lueur précaire, une tête à l'infini suspendue" (1891) by Odilon Redon is a captivating work that epitomizes the artist's fascination with the mysterious and the ethereal. In this evocative lithograph, Redon presents a dimly lit, dream-like scene where a solitary head is suspended within a glowing frame, hovering in an undefined dark space.The face in the painting appears serene and introspective, enclosed in a halo of light that contrasts starkly with the surrounding darkness. This luminous aura around the head could be interpreted as a symbol of enlightenment or spiritual awakening, starkly set against a backdrop of gloom and uncertainty. The juxtaposition of light and darkness powerfully conveys a sense of precariousness, aligning with the painting's title.Below the suspended head, intricately sketched random objects that resemble rocks and possibly tangled vegetation add an element of the terrestrial to the composition, creating a grounding contrast to the floating, ethereal head. These elements might suggest the ties of the human soul to the Earth, even in moments of spiritual or intellectual transcendence.Through "Lueur précaire, une tête à l'infini suspendue," Odilon Redon invites the viewer into a contemplative narrative, exploring themes of human existence, consciousness, and the unknown.


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Odilon Redon was a French symbolist painter, printmaker, draughtsman and pastellist. Early in his career, both before and after fighting in the Franco-Prussian War, he worked almost exclusively in charcoal and lithography, works referred to as noirs. 

During the 1890s he began working in pastel and oils, which quickly became his favourite medium, abandoning his previous style of noirs completely after 1900. He also developed a keen interest in Hindu and Budhist religion and culture, which increasingly showed in his work.

He is perhaps best known today for the "dreamlike" paintings created in the first decade of the 20th century, which were heavily inspired by Japanese art and which, while continuing to take inspiration from nature, heavily flirted with abstraction. His work is considered a precursor to both Dadaism and Surrealism.