Saint-Servan (circa 1895)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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On display is , a stunning landscape piece painted circa 1895 by the renowned French Impressionist Armand Guillaumin. This painting captures the tranquil beauty of the Saint-Servan area, possibly viewed from an elevated vantage point. Guillaumin was famed for his vibrant use of color and distinctly bold compositions, both of which are evident in this mesmerizing artwork.In the painting, the viewer's eye is drawn to the lush greenery of a hill that cascades towards a delicate, azure sea. The sea itself is dotted with small sailing boats, their white sails gleaming under the soft, diffuse light of a cloudy sky. Off in the distance, hints of a coastal landform add a subtle depth to the horizon, while overhead, the sky is rendered with strokes of blues, whites, and soft yellows, suggesting the calm of an early evening.Guillaumin's brushwork is loose, with dabs and swirls of paint that give the scene a sense of vitality and movement. His use of color not only defines forms but also sets a mood that is serene yet vivacious, perfectly capturing the essence of a seaside landscape in the late 19th century. This particular piece is a fine example of how Guillaumin’s technique contributed significantly to the Impressionist movement, which emphasized sensations and the play of light over precision in not only a treat for the eyes but also an invitation to ponder the serene simplicity of nature as seen through the Impressionist lens.


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Armand Guillaumin (February 16, 1841 – June 26, 1927) was a French impressionist painter and lithographer.