Partie bei Fiume

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Marie Egner's "Partie bei Fiume" invites viewers into a serene, rustic landscape, capturing the serene countryside with a masterful touch. The painting features a meandering pathway that pulls the viewer through a series of lush greenery and towering trees, leading up to a quaint, sunlit building that sits atop a gentle rise. Its textured strokes and earthy palette evoke a sense of peaceful isolation and timeless charm.Foreground details, including stones and scattered debris, add a touch of realism and ground the composition, while the trees provide a canopy that frames the scene, infusing it with shades of deep greens and browns against a softly hued sky. The pathway serves as a visual guide, drawing the eye towards the horizon, where a glimpse of a distant water body can be seen. Egner's effective use of light not only highlights the architectural structure but also casts intriguing shadows that dance across the path, enriching the scenery with depth and emotion."Partie bei Fiume" is more than just a feast for the eyes; it’s a nostalgic journey into the tranquility of nature, rendered with loving care by an artist who excelled in bringing landscapes to life.


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Marie Egner was an Austrian painter.

Egner was born on 25 August 1850 in Bad Radkersburg, Austria. She took her first drawing lessons in Graz with Hermann von Königsbrunn, then went to Düsseldorf from 1872 to 1875, where she studied with Carl Jungheim. In 1882, she went to Vienna to live with her mother, but spent her summers at the art colony in Plankenberg Castle, near Neulengbach, where she took lessons with Emil Jakob Schindler until 1887. A study trip to England followed from 1887 to 1889. Shortly after, her first exhibition was held at the Vienna Künstlerhaus. She also exhibited in Germany and England.