San Lazzaro bei Venedig (1896)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"San Lazzaro bei Venedig" (Saint Lazarus near Venice) is a captivating painting by the Austrian artist Marie Egner, created in 1896. This exquisite artwork features a serene view of the San Lazzaro degli Armeni island, located near Venice, Italy. Famed for its historical monastery, the island has long been a place of study and reflection.Egner's brushwork captures the tranquil ambiance of the island with a rich palette and expressive strokes. The foreground of the painting presents gentle ripples in the water, reflecting a cloud-streaked sky. A traditional Venetian gondola gracefully moves along the serene waters, adding a sense of quiet motion to the scene.The buildings on the island are rendered in warm, earthy tones and are framed by lush greenery and tall, slender cypress trees, which are typical of the Venetian landscape. The strong vertical lines of these trees contrast beautifully with the horizontal elements of the architecture and water, creating a balanced composition.Egner’s use of light and color skilfully conveys the unique atmosphere of Venice’s outskirts—somewhere between the vibrancy of city life and the peaceful solitude of the island sanctuary. This painting not only reflects the beauty of the Venetian landscape but also evokes a sense of peaceful isolation, emphasizing why San Lazzaro has been a place of quiet study and reflection through the centuries.


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Marie Egner was an Austrian painter.

Egner was born on 25 August 1850 in Bad Radkersburg, Austria. She took her first drawing lessons in Graz with Hermann von Königsbrunn, then went to Düsseldorf from 1872 to 1875, where she studied with Carl Jungheim. In 1882, she went to Vienna to live with her mother, but spent her summers at the art colony in Plankenberg Castle, near Neulengbach, where she took lessons with Emil Jakob Schindler until 1887. A study trip to England followed from 1887 to 1889. Shortly after, her first exhibition was held at the Vienna Künstlerhaus. She also exhibited in Germany and England.