Coming! (1906)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We are excited to feature the intriguing political cartoon "Coming!" drawn by the notable American cartoonist Udo Keppler in 1906. This illustrative piece delivers a sharp commentary on political themes relevant to its time, utilizing vibrant colors and dynamic characters to draw the viewer into a deeper reflection on political debates of the early 20th century."Coming!" presents a creatively exaggerated scene featuring key political figures depicted in dramatic fashion. The central focus is a large poster carried by a stout man in a painter's outfit, dramatically displaying the image of William Jennings Bryan, an influential political leader known for his stirring oratory and advocacy for populist causes, including the 'free silver' monetary policy. The poster label "Bryan in his great play" paired with the word "Conservatism" showcases the dynamic tension between emerging political ideologies during that period.Adding a layer of visual and satirical complexity, an older man, characterized by a stern expression and vigorous effort, paints over the poster to change its message. He is emphasizing "Conservatism" in bold, contrasting strokes, directly over the original messages in a symbolic act of overriding previous political sentiments.The backdrop suggests a street-side setting, giving the artwork a public and accessible feel, as if the scene were unfolding before the eyes of everyday citizens. This embedding of political dialogue in everyday locations reflects Keppler's knack for connecting high political concepts with the public's daily life, making his cartoons a powerful tool for political expression and critique."Coming!" is a prime example of how art and satire intersect to provide commentary and provoke thought about ongoing political shifts and conflicts.


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Udo J. Keppler, since 1894. known as Joseph Keppler, Jr., was an American political cartoonist, publisher, and Native American advocate. The son of cartoonist Joseph Keppler (1838–1894), who founded Puck magazine, the younger Keppler also contributed to cartoons, and after his father's death became co-owner of the magazine under the name Joseph Keppler. He was also a collector of Native American artifacts.