A Merry Christmas! (1900)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Udo Keppler's painting, "A Merry Christmas!" from the year 1900, presents an intriguing commentary on the interplay between political figures and the public during the festive season. The artwork features two central figures—an adult male with a prominent figure and a child, both positioned next to a brightly lit Christmas tree adorned with candles.The adult, whose portrayal suggests a person of significance, possibly a politician, is depicted with a somewhat amused or patronizing expression. He stands holding out a large sack labeled "Compliments of the Monopolist," implying a gesture of giving that might not be as altruistic as it seems. The child, dressed in endearing attire with a bow, excitedly reaches out to receive this gift, his expression one of innocent delight and anticipation.This painting cleverly uses the Christmas setting to critique the relationship between powerful monopolists—who wield their power to sway or placate the public—and the general populace, often portrayed as naively accepting these overtures. The use of festive imagery, such as the Christmas tree, adds a layer of irony to the scene, highlighting the disparity between the genuine joy and warmth associated with the season and the calculated generosity exhibited by the figure of authority.


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Udo J. Keppler, since 1894. known as Joseph Keppler, Jr., was an American political cartoonist, publisher, and Native American advocate. The son of cartoonist Joseph Keppler (1838–1894), who founded Puck magazine, the younger Keppler also contributed to cartoons, and after his father's death became co-owner of the magazine under the name Joseph Keppler. He was also a collector of Native American artifacts.