On Carrington Moss (1851)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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David Cox's evocative watercolor "On Carrington Moss" (1851) transports viewers to the expansive landscape of Carrington Moss, a peat bog in the Manchester area of England. Renowned for his masterful use of atmospheric effects in landscape art, Cox captures a scene that is both dynamic and serene.In the painting, the sweeping sky dominates the composition, filled with tumultuous clouds that seem to churn with movement. This brooding sky reflects the often unpredictable weather of the region, suggesting an impending storm or the last light after a heavy rainfall. Below this dramatic display, the horizon features patches of light which could be distant buildings or natural formations bathed in sunlight breaking through the clouds.The landscape of the Moss itself is rendered in deep, earthy tones. Cox uses bold, fluid brushstrokes to depict the wet, boggy ground, which stretches out into the distance. Strikingly, in the foreground, two figures clad in red and blue are portrayed battling against the wind, a detail that not only adds a human element to the natural scene but also emphasizes the scale and wildness of the Moss.Birds wheeling in the wind-blown sky add a final touch of life to this striking landscape, creating a sense of freedom and wildness that contrasts with the small, huddled figures. This juxtaposition underscores the vastness and the untamed beauty of Carrington Moss as seen through Cox's eyes.


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David Cox (29 April 1783 – 7 June 1859) was an English landscape painter, one of the most important members of the Birmingham School of landscape artists and an early precursor of Impressionism.

He is considered one of the greatest English landscape painters, and a major figure of the Golden age of English watercolour.

Although most popularly known for his works in watercolour, he also painted over 300 works in oil towards the end of his career, now considered "one of the greatest, but least recognised, achievements of any British painter."

His son, known as David Cox the Younger (1809–1885), was also a successful artist.