Pan-American Puck (1901)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Samuel Ehrhart's engaging artwork "Pan-American Puck" creatively illustrates the spirit of unity and cooperation at the dawn of the 20th century. Created in 1901, this vibrant painting symbolizes the relationship between North and South America amidst the Pan-American ideals of progress and collaboration.In this colorful depiction, Ehrhart presents two personified figures representing North and South America. North America is characterized by a female figure draped in a fabric embellished with stars and stripes, reminiscent of the United States flag, her head adorned with a crown-like headpiece that echoes the Statue of Liberty. She reaches out to a counterpart representing South America. This figure is clad in bright, traditional attire with a wide-brimmed hat decorated with intricate designs, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of South American nations.The background features whimsical elements that continue the theme of unity and festivity, including an inviting, serene body of water and an elegant, domed building that might allude to a venue for international cooperation like those built for World's Fairs or Pan-American conferences.Together, these elements weave a narrative of friendship and mutual respect across continents, promoting an image of peace and shared prosperity.


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American cartoonist and illustrator born in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, Ehrhart received his education in the New York City school system. Subsequently, he studied art in Munich. His work appeared in Harper's Monthly (1878-79), Puck (1880, and 1888-1913), and Judge (1887). He died in Brooklyn, New York on October 26, 1937.