Gėlėtas vakaras

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The artwork "Gėlėtas vakaras" by Lithuanian artist Arūnas Rutkus is a captivating exploration of texture, light, and form that deeply resonates with a sense of subtle intrigue and veiled storytelling. The painting features an enigmatic female figure cloaked in a delicate array of pearl necklaces and bracelets, which add a tactile richness against her smooth skin. She sits gracefully, yet with a contemplative posture, on a luxuriously patterned fabric that echoes the floral motif in the backdrop.The layering of chiaroscuro, where light dramatically meets shadow, casts the composition into a realm of mystery and private reflection. Her face, partially obscured by a mask of dark foliage patterns, invites viewers to ponder her thoughts or the nature of her hidden gaze. Rutkus masterfully uses a monochromatic palette enhanced by the golden hues of the beads and the intricate patterns, which suggest a narrative that's both timeless and fleeting."Gėlėtas vakaras" stands out as a profoundly thoughtful piece, urging an appreciation for its aesthetic beauty and the enigmatic story it gently whispers to those who look upon it.


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Arūnas Rutkus was born in 1961 in Vilnius, Lithuania. In 1985, he completed studies in monumental painting (fresco, mosaic) at the Lithuanian Academy of Fine Arts. The artist has exhibited his work in more than 50 solo and group exhibitions worldwide, including:

- Art En Capital, Grand Palais (Paris, France)

- Salon de SNBA, Carrousel du Louvre (Paris, France)

- Fourth St. Petersburg Biennale "Spatia Nova" (St. Petersburg, Russia)

- European Painting, Sharjah Art Museum (Sharjah, United Arab Emirates)

- International Monetary Fund Art Association Gallery (Washington, USA)

Arūnas Rutkus' artworks can be found in museums, galleries, and private collections all over the world. The Sheikh of Sharjah (UAE) acquired the artist's painting titled "Horse", which he donated to the Sharjah Museum (UAE). NBA stars Arvydas Sabonis and Šarūnas Marčiulionis own works by Arūnas Rutkus in their art collections (A. Sabonis has a collection of fifty artworks by Arūnas Rutkus). The artist's painting titled "Leaf" belongs to the singer Sting.

Since 2017, Arūnas Rutkus has been donating his works annually to Caudwell Children UK and Amber Lounge Monaco charity auctions.

Arūnas Rutkus is also known as a film director, whose short film won a special jury prize at the Milan Short Film Festival in 2016 with the "Fragrances in Motion" award, and his directed video for the song "No Tomorrow" by "Happyendless" won the MTV Fresh award in 2008.

Since 1995, Arūnas Rutkus has been a member of the Lithuanian Artists' Association, and in 2012, he was admitted to the French National Art Association (Société Nationale des Beaux Arts (SNBA)).

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