Damwild, Steinbock Und Hase (1723)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We invite you to delve into the remarkable world of Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton with his 1723 painting, "Damwild, Steinbock und Hase" (Fallow Deer, Ibex, and Hare). This captivating work of art beautifully showcases Hamilton's skill in animal portraiture and his keen eye for detail and naturalism.In this painting, the serene landscape forms a subtle backdrop to the vividly depicted wildlife. The fallow deer, easily recognized by its striking spotted coat and elegant pose, stands prominently at the center, accompanied by a noble ibex, its twisted horns adding a touch of majesty. To the front, a hare with its soft fur and alert expression adds a sense of liveliness to the scene. The meticulous detail in the rendering of each animal's texture and form reflects Hamilton's dedication to realism and his profound understanding of animal anatomy.The soft, diffuse lighting highlights the gentle contours of the animals and the tranquil environment, evoking a peaceful coexistence among different species. The distant landscape that peeks from behind suggests a broader natural world where these creatures belong, enhancing the depth and context of the scene."Damwild, Steinbock und Hase" not only illustrates Hamilton's artistic prowess but also serves as a splendid reflection of the fascination with and reverence for nature that characterized art of this period.


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Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton, was an 18th-century painter from the Southern Netherlands active in Austria.

He was born in Brussels as the son of the Scottish painter James de Hamilton, who taught him to paint. From 1705 to 1750 he was court painter in Vienna, and he is known for hunting scenes like his brother Johann Georg. He died in Vienna.