Weiße Jagdfalken Mit Einem Fischreiher (1748)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Artist: Philipp Ferdinand de HamiltonDescription: This captivating painting by Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton, titled "Weiße Jagdfalken Mit Einem Fischreiher" (White Gyrfalcons with a Heron), created in 1748, is a vivid representation of the dynamism and ferocity of nature. The artwork features an intense scene where two white gyrfalcons are depicted in the midst of subduing a fish heron. The intricate detailing of the feathers and the expressive eyes of the birds capture the immediacy of the moment, emphasizing a raw, almost tactile, interaction between predator and prey.The background of the painting presents a dark, moody sky that serves to highlight the main action. The setting contributes to the overall somber and dramatic tone, allowing viewers to focus on the physical and emotional intensity of the encounter. Adding depth to the narrative, the artist includes various hunting paraphernalia scattered around the scene, such as a game bag, which links the scene to human activity without human figures being directly shown.Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton, renowned for his animal and hunting scenes, showcases his skill in rendering lifelike animals and capturing vivid motion. This painting not only reflects his mastery of the genre but also invites contemplation on the themes of survival and the inherent brutality of the natural world.


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Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton, was an 18th-century painter from the Southern Netherlands active in Austria.

He was born in Brussels as the son of the Scottish painter James de Hamilton, who taught him to paint. From 1705 to 1750 he was court painter in Vienna, and he is known for hunting scenes like his brother Johann Georg. He died in Vienna.