Evening on the Seine (1930)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Dive into the tranquil world of Walter Kurt Wiemken's painting "Evening on the Seine", where the serene winds of 1930 France come alive through evocative brush strokes and harmonious colors. This artwork captures a quintessential riverside scene at dusk, showcasing the artist’s unique ability to blend reality with impressionistic flair.In the foreground, the calm waters of the Seine reflect the fading sunlight, mirroring the overcast yet luminous sky. Shades of green and earth intertwine on the riverbanks, suggesting lush vegetation that partially obscures the water’s edge. A central, heavily vegetated islet draws the eye, acting as a natural dividing line that anchors the composition.The background reveals a distant skyline punctuated by the silhouettes of buildings that whisper the far reaches of a quiet town. The play of light suggests the setting sun casting its last golden hues across the scene, lending a warm, ethereal quality that contrasts with the cool blues and greens.Wiemken’s brushwork is loose and expressive, allowing the textures of the paint to contribute to the overall feeling of movement and the ephemeral quality of the moment captured. Each stroke builds upon the next, creating a dynamic yet peaceful tableau that invites viewers to pause and reflect."Evening on the Seine" is more than just a visual treat; it's a moment of calm captured in time, offering a breath of gentle evening air to anyone who gazes upon it.


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Walter Kurt Wiemken was a Swiss painter.

Walter Kurt Wiemken was born in 1907. In Basel to German parents, 1898. who have acquired Swiss citizenship. At the age of four months, he contracted polio severely, which left him disabled for life. He lived in his parents' house until his death, where he also established his art studio. His father had a lithography business.