View of the ‘Batterie’ toward Basel (1940)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Walter Kurt Wiemken's painting, "View of the ‘Batterie’ toward Basel" (1940), captures an enigmatic and evocative scene that treads the boundary between abstraction and representation. This artwork, seasoned with somber hues and sweeping lines, invites viewers to traverse a melancholic landscape that hints at the turmoil of the era in which it was created.The painting portrays a stretch of land, possibly fortifications implied by the title "Batterie," laid bare against a vast, moody sky that dominates the composition. These fortifications meander through the middle ground, their forms simplified almost to abstraction. The distant skyline suggests Basel, enveloped in a shroud of darkness, with only vague shapes defining its presence. This minimalistic portrayal of structures and territory speaks volumes about the isolation and perhaps the strategic tensions of wartime Switzerland.Characterized by a limited palette dominated primarily by dark blues and earthy browns, the painting evokes a sense of melancholy and stark beauty. The rough, almost hasty brush strokes give the landscape a sense of immediacy and raw emotion, reflecting the perhaps urgent and distressing times of the year it depicts—1940, amidst the throes of World War II.Wiemken has masterfully used the texture and direction of his brushwork to create a dynamic yet somber atmosphere. The technique leaves the imagery open to interpretation, bridging the literal and the metaphorical, and allowing the emotions of the viewer to fill the vast, open landscapes."View of the ‘Batterie’ toward Basel" is not just a geographical depiction but a poignant reflection on the era it represents, inviting introspection on the part of the viewer.


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Walter Kurt Wiemken was a Swiss painter.

Walter Kurt Wiemken was born in 1907. In Basel to German parents, 1898. who have acquired Swiss citizenship. At the age of four months, he contracted polio severely, which left him disabled for life. He lived in his parents' house until his death, where he also established his art studio. His father had a lithography business.