Die Frau des Gehenkten (1931)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Walter Kurt Wiemken's poignant 1931 artwork, "Die Frau des Gehenkten" ("The Wife of the Hanged Man"), captures a deeply emotional and surreal vision steeped in psychological intensity. This piece is a masterful expression of personal and societal turmoil, utilizing a blend of loose, expressive line work and somber tonality that exemplifies Wiemken's distinctive style.In the foreground, the central figure, presumably the wife, is portrayed in a state of despair, her posture slumped and face wearing expressions of sorrow and exhaustion. This figure is drawn with minimal yet powerful lines that convey a weightiness of emotion and circumstance.Surrounding this central figure are various elements that seem to narrate a broader, unsettling story. On the left side of the piece, a scene possibly depicting elements of the domestic life, including a segment with homely objects and possibly small animal figures, adds a layer of everyday normalcy contrasted starkly by the central tragedy. Just above, a darkened box shows a small, bleak window scene, further intensifying the mood of confinement and hopelessness.On the upper right, a single pole with a distorted, almost ghostly head atop suggests the looming presence of death or judgment. The combination of these elements within the composition evokes a narrative that is at once personal and universally resonant—reflecting themes of loss, injustice, and resilience in the face of overwhelming sorrow.Wiemken’s work invites viewers to reflect on the impact of tragedy not only on the immediate victims but also on those they leave behind.


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Walter Kurt Wiemken was a Swiss painter.

Walter Kurt Wiemken was born in 1907. In Basel to German parents, 1898. who have acquired Swiss citizenship. At the age of four months, he contracted polio severely, which left him disabled for life. He lived in his parents' house until his death, where he also established his art studio. His father had a lithography business.