Synchronie en vert (Synchrony in Green) (1913)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Delve into the lush world of "Synchronie en vert" (Synchrony in Green), a captivating 1913 masterpiece by the influential Nabi artist Paul Sérusier. This painting is a splendid example of how Sérusier embraced color and form to evoke emotion and atmosphere, diverging from more traditional, representational art to something that stirs the senses and the imagination."Synchronie en vert" portrays a still life arrangement that seems to pulse with life. The central focus is a vase of sprawling greenery, its leaves sinuous and vibrant, stretching out as if in mid-movement. Alongside the vase, a turquoise jug with hints of earthy tones and three bright yellow lemons on a draped green cloth bring a burst of contrasting colors that animate the composition.What is particularly striking about this painting is the use of rich, textured blues and greens which backdrop the scene, lending a dreamy quality that suggests both the tranquility and mystery of the natural world. Sérusier’s use of bold, expressive brush strokes and a somewhat abstracted form allows each viewer to interact with the painting in a personal and direct way, inviting a multitude of interpretations."Synchronie en vert" is more than just a visual delight; it is a testament to the emotional depth and innovative spirit of Paul Sérusier’s artistry. It challenges the viewers to see beyond the ordinary, encouraging a deeper engagement with the natural beauty and harmony depicted.


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Paul Sérusier was a French painter who was a pioneer of abstract art and an inspiration for the avant-garde Nabis movement, Synthetism and Cloisonnism.

Sérusier was born in Paris. He studied at the Académie Julian and was a monitor there in the mid-1880s.