Fragment décor, têtes ou Une distribution des Pentacles (1922)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Artist: Paul SérusierExplore the mystic allure of Paul Sérusier's 1922 painting, "Fragment décor, têtes ou Une distribution des Pentacles," a captivating work that embodies the rich influences and unique style of the Nabis movement, to which Sérusier was a central figure. This fascinating artwork plunges the viewer into a vivid assembly of figures, their faces imbued with an almost otherworldly grace.The painting showcases a collection of female figures dressed in traditional attire, hinting at a narrative steeped in cultural or possibly spiritual significance. The crowd is dense, each face distinct yet harmoniously blended into the collective scene, which adds a profound sense of community and shared purpose. Their expressions carry a serene earnestness, and the eyes of several figures draw the viewer into silent dialogue, suggesting stories untold. The scene is set against a backdrop of subtle landscapes, possibly evocative of the Brittany region, known for its influence on Sérusier."Fragment décor, têtes ou Une distribution des Pentacles" resonates with themes of unity and spiritual distribution, the title itself perhaps alluding to a ceremonial allocation of pentacles, a symbol often associated with magic and mysticism. Intricately detailed, the figures are rendered with a simplified yet expressive line, their garments rendered in a palette of muted earth tones and soft pastels, lending a meditative quality to the work.This painting not only showcases Sérusier’s mastery in capturing the essence of his subjects but also reflects his deep engagement with symbolic and spiritual elements, making it an enchanting piece for both art enthusiasts and casual admirers alike.


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Paul Sérusier was a French painter who was a pioneer of abstract art and an inspiration for the avant-garde Nabis movement, Synthetism and Cloisonnism.

Sérusier was born in Paris. He studied at the Académie Julian and was a monitor there in the mid-1880s.