Bretons in the Forest of Huelgoat (1893)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Bretons in the Forest of Huelgoat" (1893) is a striking work by Paul Sérusier, a notable painter associated with the post-impressionist and Nabis movements. The painting depicts a group of Breton women and a child in the lush surroundings of the Forest of Huelgoat in Brittany, France. Sérusier's style is evident in the use of bold, flat areas of color and strong outlines, which bring a dream-like quality to the scene.In the foreground, a woman is seated, holding a child dressed in white, their faces rendered with solemn expressions. Standing nearby are three women, each adorned in traditional Breton costumes, featuring distinctive white headscarves and brightly colored garments that stand out vividly against the reddish hues of the forest background. The forest itself is portrayed with vertical trunks of trees and abstract patches of red and green, emphasizing a stylized interpretation of nature rather than a realistic one.Sérusier’s use of color and form conveys not just the visual aspect of the scene, but also a sense of the cultural and mystical essence of Brittany, a region that fascinated many artists of his time for its rich traditions and folklore.


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Paul Sérusier was a French painter who was a pioneer of abstract art and an inspiration for the avant-garde Nabis movement, Synthetism and Cloisonnism.

Sérusier was born in Paris. He studied at the Académie Julian and was a monitor there in the mid-1880s.