Breton Wrestling (between 1890 and 1891)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Paul Sérusier's painting "Breton Wrestling" (between 1890 and 1891) masterfully captures the traditional sport of wrestling, a popular and culturally significant event in Brittany, France. The artwork vividly portrays a wrestling match set against a background of an attentive crowd, enveloped in lush greenery, depicting a typical pastoral scene.At the forefront, two wrestlers engage in a dynamic clinch, their concentrated expressions and physical exertion at the core of the composition. They are barefoot, indicating a closeness and respect for the natural setting, adorned traditionally in simple but functional white shirts and dark trousers, reflecting the humble, rural life of the Breton people.Encircling the wrestlers is a dense gathering of spectators, consisting mostly of women in customary Breton attire, characterized by their distinctive coiffes—white, lace-trimmed headwear that symbolizes their regional identity. These onlookers, portrayed in varied postures of engagement and anticipation, form a captivating audience, their faces finely rendered to display intrigue and concern for the unfolding contest.Adding to the cultural richness of the scene, a man in a dark blue jacket and a Napoleonic hat stands by, possibly overseeing the match, symbolizing a sense of order and tradition amidst the spirited contest. The overall composition, with its muted earth tones and subtle interplay of light and shadow, emphasizes the gravity of the moment and the cultural significance of the event being observed.Paul Sérusier's "Breton Wrestling" not only provides a glimpse into the communal and sporting practices of 19th-century Brittany but also resonates deeply as a celebration of Breton identity and tradition, preserved through the timeless art of wrestling.


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Paul Sérusier was a French painter who was a pioneer of abstract art and an inspiration for the avant-garde Nabis movement, Synthetism and Cloisonnism.

Sérusier was born in Paris. He studied at the Académie Julian and was a monitor there in the mid-1880s.