Het in zee brengen van een visserspink (1870 - 1888)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Dutch artist Anton Mauve, a master of the Hague School, captures a timeless moment of maritime labor in his work "Het in zee brengen van een visserspink" (The Launching of a Fishing Boat). Painted between 1870 and 1888, Mauve's talent for portraying naturalistic rural scenes is evident in this evocative seascape.In this piece, we witness the arduous task of launching a fishing boat, known as a 'pink', into the sea. Mauve skillfully uses a muted color palette to emphasize the overcast, perhaps early morning sky, and the subdued yet powerful energy exercised by both humans and animals in their collaborative effort.At the center of the composition, a team of horses, guided by fishermen, strains against the weight of the boat. The interaction between the figures and the rough textures of sand and sea blur together under Mauve’s broad, confident brush strokes, creating a dynamic scene full of movement and tension. In the background, two sailboats can be seen—perhaps already returned from their own journeys—adding depth and context to the main action.This painting offers a glimpse into the daily life and challenges faced by 19th-century fishermen, commemorating their unsung resilience.


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Anthonij "Anton" Rudolf Mauve (18 September 1838 – 5 February 1888) was a Dutch realist painter who was a leading member of the Hague School. He signed his paintings 'A. Mauve' or with a monogrammed 'A.M.'. A master colorist, he was a very significant early influence on his cousin-in-law Vincent van Gogh.

His best-known paintings depict peasants working in the fields. His paintings of flocks of sheep were especially popular with American patrons, so popular that a price differential developed between scenes of "sheep coming" and "sheep going".