Larens binnenhuis (1848 - 1888)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Anton Mauve's painting "Larens binnenhuis" is a poignant depiction of domestic life in the 19th century, showcasing a serene moment within a humble interior. The artwork features three figures: a man, a woman, and a small child, each absorbed in their activities, encased in a room washed with soft, natural light that filters through an open window.The man, seated by a small table near the window, seems lost in thought as he puffs on his pipe. His relaxed posture and distant gaze suggest a moment of contemplation or a brief respite from the day's labor. Opposite him, the woman is engaged in needlework, her expression one of calm focus. The attention to detail in her attire and the gentle folds of her dress highlight Mauve's skill in capturing the textures of fabric and the subtleties of human gesture.In the foreground, a child sits on the floor, seemingly content in play, adding a layer of everyday intimacy to the scene. The artist's use of diffuse light not only enhances the quiet atmosphere but also delicately plays across the surfaces and features of the room, such as the rustic wooden furniture and the sturdy, time-worn walls."Larens binnenhuis" is more than a simple interior scene; it is a window into the tranquil moments of 19th-century rural life, rendered with Mauve's characteristic empathy and painterly finesse.


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Anthonij "Anton" Rudolf Mauve (18 September 1838 – 5 February 1888) was a Dutch realist painter who was a leading member of the Hague School. He signed his paintings 'A. Mauve' or with a monogrammed 'A.M.'. A master colorist, he was a very significant early influence on his cousin-in-law Vincent van Gogh.

His best-known paintings depict peasants working in the fields. His paintings of flocks of sheep were especially popular with American patrons, so popular that a price differential developed between scenes of "sheep coming" and "sheep going".