The Haunted House: He Kept His Eyes Fixed on Me with a Look so Strange (1896)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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In the evocative artwork by Odilon Redon titled "The Haunted House: He Kept His Eyes Fixed on Me with a Look so Strange," we are presented with a compelling lithograph of dramatic contrast and emotional depth. The subject of the piece—a lone dog—captures the viewer's attention immediately. Positioned in a crouched stance, the dog appears tentative, its eyes wide and expressive, emitting a palpable sense of anxiety or fear.Redon's mastery in handling light and shadow is manifest in the sketchy, dark strokes that frame the animal, adding a sense of foreboding and uncertainty to the composition. The background, though minimally detailed, encompasses sweeping shadows that evoke the eerie ambiance of a haunted locale. This enhances the emotional intensity of the dog’s gaze, which seems to convey a multitude of feelings from alarm to curiosity.Redon, known for his noetic approach to Symbolism, often delved into the realm of the unseen—psychological landscapes and the manifestations of fear and fantasy. In this artwork, he invites the viewers to peer into a scene that could very well be a vivid shard of a larger, untold narrative. The title itself suggests a narrative element, implying a mysterious observer whose presence is felt rather than seen, further thickening the intrigue of the composition.This piece is not merely a portrayal of a dog within a dimly lit setting; it is an exploration of interaction, emotion, and the evocative power of the eyes, encouraging interpretation and introspection.


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Odilon Redon was a French symbolist painter, printmaker, draughtsman and pastellist. Early in his career, both before and after fighting in the Franco-Prussian War, he worked almost exclusively in charcoal and lithography, works referred to as noirs. 

During the 1890s he began working in pastel and oils, which quickly became his favourite medium, abandoning his previous style of noirs completely after 1900. He also developed a keen interest in Hindu and Budhist religion and culture, which increasingly showed in his work.

He is perhaps best known today for the "dreamlike" paintings created in the first decade of the 20th century, which were heavily inspired by Japanese art and which, while continuing to take inspiration from nature, heavily flirted with abstraction. His work is considered a precursor to both Dadaism and Surrealism.