Mystical head, Three-quarter profile (1917)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Mystical Head, Three-quarter Profile," painted in 1917 by Alexej von Jawlensky, presents a striking exploration of human expression through abstract forms and vivid colors. This piece is an exemplary demonstration of Jawlensky’s deviation from representational art to a style that transcends the physical features into the realm of emotional and spiritual expression.In this painting, Jawlensky uses bold, delineated colors and simplified forms to convey the complexity of inner spiritual life. The face in the portrait, although abstract, clearly portrays a three-quarter profile. This perspective allows Jawlensky to focus on the contours and shapes that define human features, but with an exuberant and non-traditional twist.The use of contrasting colors—such as the bright yellows next to deep blues and vibrant reds against calm greens—highlights the emotional intensity Jawlensky aimed to express. These colors do not blend smoothly but rather assert their independence on the canvas, reflecting the artist’s move towards expressionism where color is used to evoke specific feelings and states of mind rather than to define the natural world.The painting’s background is subdued, allowing the face to dominate the viewer’s attention. This focus on the visage is framed by the bold, dark line outlining the head, giving it a kind of halo that adds to its mystical quality."Mystical Head, Three-quarter Profile" invites viewers to delve into the spiritual and emotional landscape that Jawlensky masterfully creates, encouraging a contemplation of the deeper meanings behind the abstract forms and vibrant play of colors.


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Alexej Georgewitsch von Jawlensky (13 March 1864 – 15 March 1941) was a Russian expressionist painter active in Germany. He was a key member of the New Munich Artist's Association (Neue Künstlervereinigung München), Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider) group and later the Die Blaue Vier (The Blue Four).