Abstract Head, Mysterium (1925)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to an immersive visual experience with Alexej von Jawlensky's captivating artwork "Abstract Head, Mysterium." This 1925 painting is a sterling example of the power of abstract expression in capturing emotional depth without direct representation.In "Abstract Head, Mysterium," Jawlensky challenges traditional portraiture by dissolving the human face into abstract shapes and vibrant colors. The painting features bold, contrasting tones with thickly applied sections of color ranging from deep purples and blacks to bright oranges and yellows. These are arranged to suggest the components of a face, transformed into a landscape of emotional expression.The central feature, which may be interpreted as the nose, cuts vertically through the composition, acting as a dividing line that segments the canvas into dynamic planes of color and texture. Curved forms that could be seen as simplified eyes and lips float within the surrounding hues, adding a sense of rhythm and movement to the static image.Jawlensky's work is more than a visual treat; it is a portal into the artist's contemplation of inner spiritual life, conveyed through the universal medium of the human countenance. The painting invites viewers to interpret these forms on a deeply personal level, encouraging a contemplation of one's own emotions and inner mysteries."Abstract Head, Mysterium" exemplifies how abstract art can evoke a profound and visceral response, inviting viewers to explore a world where emotion and abstraction meet in a silent yet eloquent dialogue.


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Alexej Georgewitsch von Jawlensky (13 March 1864 – 15 March 1941) was a Russian expressionist painter active in Germany. He was a key member of the New Munich Artist's Association (Neue Künstlervereinigung München), Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider) group and later the Die Blaue Vier (The Blue Four).