Stilleben mit Blumen und Früchten (Circa 1905)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Alexej von Jawlensky, a Russian expressionist painter, creates a lush visual symphony in his painting titled "Stilleben mit Blumen und Früchten" (Still Life with Flowers and Fruits) circa 1905. This artwork is a celebration of color and form, showcasing Jawlensky’s distinctive brushwork and vibrant palette that would later define his contribution to modern art.The painting features a bold, rich tapestry of hues enveloping a simple scene. In the center, a vase quietly blooms with an abundance of pink and red roses, their petals appearing almost in motion, like soft flames. Beside the vase, the composition includes a bright assortment of fruits—a ripened orange and perhaps a lemon or apple—each rendered with passionate colors that seem to pulsate from the canvas.The backdrop is a layered sea of blue, creating a dynamic contrast with the warmth of the flowers and fruit. The brushstrokes are thick, lively, and textured, allowing the viewer to feel the energetic movement imbued in the setting.Jawlensky’s work is more than just an ordinary still life; it is an exploration of the emotional power within colors and the expressive potential of everyday objects. This piece is perfect for art enthusiasts and collectors who revel in works that speak to both the eyes and the spirit, adding a touch of timeless energy to any collection.


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Alexej Georgewitsch von Jawlensky (13 March 1864 – 15 March 1941) was a Russian expressionist painter active in Germany. He was a key member of the New Munich Artist's Association (Neue Künstlervereinigung München), Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider) group and later the Die Blaue Vier (The Blue Four).