Les Bords De L’oise (1864)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Let yourself be transported to the serene, pastoral setting captured by Charles François Daubigny in his illustrious landscape painting, "Les Bords De L’Oise." This piece, completed in 1864, is a luminous portrayal of the gentle and unhurried flow of life along the banks of the Oise River in France.Daubigny, a master of the Barbizon school, known for its emphasis on the beauty of nature, brings forth an idyllic composition that intertwines tranquility with the vibrancy of the natural world. The painting showcases a wide expanse of the river, reflecting the soft, diffused light of either an early morning or a late afternoon. The water’s surface, dotted with lily pads and shimmering reflections, leads the viewer's eye to the gentle activities of the riverside.On the left, we see figures in a small boat, perhaps local fishermen, engaged in their daily tasks, adding a human element to the otherwise untouched landscape. On the right, more figures can be observed on the bank, enhancing the impression of harmony between humans and their environment. The background is adorned with distant villages, whose presence is indicated by subtle clusters of houses and the occasional spire peeking above the treeline.The choice of soft, muted tones and the fluid brushstrokes evoke a sense of peace and timelessness, characteristic of Daubigny’s style. This painting not only captures a physical location but also evokes a feeling of peaceful coexistence with nature, encouraging contemplation and appreciation of the simpler, quieter moments of rural life.


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Charles-François Daubigny (15 February 1817 – 19 February 1878) was a French painter, one of the members of the Barbizon school, and is considered an important precursor of impressionism.

He was also a prolific printmaker, mostly in etching but also as one of the main artists to use the cliché verre technique.