In the yard (1940–1945)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"In the Yard" is a captivating oil painting by Elemír Halász-Hradil, created during the turbulent years of 1940 to 1945. This artwork transports the viewer into a rustic scene, likely set in a village locale, where the interplay of light and color brings life to an ordinary moment.The composition of the painting is focused on an earthy courtyard enclosed by aging buildings with slanted rooftops and rustic walls, exuding a sense of warmth and history. Delicate brushstrokes and the vibrant yet somewhat muted palette suggest it is either dawn or dusk, casting long shadows and creating patterns of light on the ground.Central to the painting is a solitary figure, a woman, who traverses the courtyard, contributing a strong human element to the scene. Her presence adds a narrative layer to the work, suggesting daily life and routine in the midst of a simple yet vibrant environment. Surrounding her are details like lush green foliage and a ladder leaning against one building, possibly indicating the chores or the day-to-day activities within the yard.Halász-Hradil's style here is loose and expressive, possibly reflecting the uncertain times during which it was created. "In the Yard" captures more than just a visual moment; it captures an atmosphere, thick with the scent of the past and the whispers of lived lives.


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Elemír Halász-Hradil (1873 m. - 1948 m.) was a Slovak painter of Hungarian origin.
He lived in Vienna from 1892 to 1894.The following year he moved to Košice. He studied at Simon Hollósy's private school in Munich from 1897 to 1901, he then continued his studies at the Académie Julian in Paris with Professor Jean-Paul Laurens from 1902 to 1903.
With a soft palette and hazy paint handling, Halász-Hradil executed a variety of quiet portraits and scenes of everyday life. Along with selling his paintings, Halász-Hradil made a living as a painting teacher.