There Were Also Embryonic Beings (1885)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Odilon Redon, a symbolist artist known for delving into the obscure recesses of the human mind and emotion, presents a profound visual narrative in his lithograph titled "There Were Also Embryonic Beings." This intriguing piece, created in 1885, captures the viewer’s imagination and invites a deeper reflection on existence and perception.The artwork is dramatically rendered in stark monochrome, which is typical of Redon’s preferred medium during his early career. The composition features two primary elements that resemble embryonic figures; these forms peer out at the viewer, exuding an unsettling presence. The larger figure occupies a central position, its eye detailed intensely, evoking the sensation of an omnipresent gaze. A smaller, similarly styled figure appears nestled near a dark, column-like structure, adding an architectural element that suggests confinement or perhaps, protection.Redon’s mastery in manipulating light and shadow is evident; the gradations of tone create a textural depth that makes the embryonic beings appear simultaneously tangible and ethereal. This contrast not only enhances the visual impact of the lithograph but also symbolizes the blend of the real and the imagined, a theme recurrent in Redon’s body of work.The title "There Were Also Embryonic Beings" hints at a narrative of genesis and emerging forms, perhaps pointing towards the psychological birth of ideas or the unveiling of inner thoughts. This artwork invites multiple interpretations, making it a captivating study for both art historians and enthusiasts alike.Through this haunting image, Redon challenges viewers to confront the unknown and to ponder the deeper meanings veiled within the embryonic forms.


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Odilon Redon was a French symbolist painter, printmaker, draughtsman and pastellist. Early in his career, both before and after fighting in the Franco-Prussian War, he worked almost exclusively in charcoal and lithography, works referred to as noirs. 

During the 1890s he began working in pastel and oils, which quickly became his favourite medium, abandoning his previous style of noirs completely after 1900. He also developed a keen interest in Hindu and Budhist religion and culture, which increasingly showed in his work.

He is perhaps best known today for the "dreamlike" paintings created in the first decade of the 20th century, which were heavily inspired by Japanese art and which, while continuing to take inspiration from nature, heavily flirted with abstraction. His work is considered a precursor to both Dadaism and Surrealism.